Monday, May 2, 2016

Workout: 6/3/16

"The price of success is hard work, dedication, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand."

-Vince Lombardi

I. Dynamic Warm-up: see attached video links if necessary with High Knees, "Booty" Kicks, and Toy Soldier/Frankenstein
  • High Knees-15-20 meters/4 times; (Focus on high knee drive and arm pump)
  • "Booty" Kicks- 15-20 meters/4 times (As you move forward, the heel of your foot makes contact with your...booty. Focus on arm pump.)
  • Exaggerated Skips-15-20 meters/4 times (Really try to get yourself off the ground for these. Focus on exaggerated high knee drive and exaggerated use of arms.)
  • Toy Soldier/Frankenstein 15-20 meters/4 times (Without bending your knee, step with your right leg out to about waste level; at the same time, reach with your left hand and try to touch your right toe; alternate each step.) 
  • Tiptoe Walk- 15-20 meters/4 times (Walk high on your tippy toes and focus on your natural arm movement.)
  • Heel Walk-15-20 meters/4 times (Walk on the heels of your feet and focus on your natural arm movement.)
  • Light Stretching of your choice -5 minutes (Don't forget about your arms and upper body.)

II. Workout:
Use today's workout as a measuring tool for your progress throughout the summer. It may seem simple, but it's going to tell you a lot.

Choose a running route that you are comfortable and familiar with. It may be around your neighborhood, through a park, or anywhere that you will preferably be able to continue to visit throughout the summer.

Once you've chosen your route, run for 20 minutes. That's it! However, I'd like you to try to pay close attention to how far you're able to get in this 20 minutes. If you're running a straight course, focus on distance and landmarks to help you figure this out. If you're running loops (such as around a track, neighborhood, or park), try to keep track of how many times you're able to go around. If you need to walk...walk. If you can run the whole thing, great! Make a mental note of these first results, or, even better, post your results as a comment on this blog. My goal is that by revisiting this workout regularly (maybe weekly), you will see and feel yourself getting stronger and stronger as a runner.

III. Cool Down:
Get something cold to drink (preferably water)

Option A: Walk around for ten minutes. Don't let this be a lazy walk. A cool down is meant to ease your body out of workout mode; therefore, you need to walk with a purpose and let your body do the rest. Follow this up with some light stretching of your choice.

Option B: Repeat Dynamic Warm-up (don't forget the stretching)


  1. I ran just over two laps. Each lap was 6/10 of a mile.

    1. That is excellent! Keep up the good work and continue commenting on your progress as a runner!
